5 Beverages That You Should Start Avoiding For a Healthy Life.

 Harihar Muni

It is said that you should always drink healthy and fresh juice/drinks if you do not want to harm your blood cells our welcome any other illness, But do you know that there are some drinks that you should start consuming less or avoid drinking. Drinks which we loved the most and enjoy consuming in our daily life.

Here is why you should avoid drinking !!

  •                JUICE

This could be a bit shocking but it's the reality that yes juice is also harmful to the body, One cup of orange juice can have as many calories as six oranges shocked!! as well as sugar. While not all juice is created equal (i.e. fresh squeezed is better than concentrate), an eight-ounce glass can set you back about 120 to 150 calories. Instead: Eat a piece of fruit with breakfast the pulp will help fill you up and give you fiber — and drink water with a slice of citrus. This would keep your body fit and also gain fewer calories.

  •            SODA

Soda is considered the most dangerous drink it's like a slow poison that would kill and destroy your cells slowly, as it contains high-calorie counts, insane amounts of added sugar, and unnatural additives. Numerous studies and evidence prove that soft drinks are connected to far too many life-threatening diseases. Soda contains many sweetened chemicals which would cause high obesity. Many studies have found crazy chemicals in soda such as 4-methylimidazole in the brown coloring. This chemical has proven to make animals sick and sodas are at higher levels than legally allowed without a warning label. 

  •             SPORTS DRINK

So basically this is not made for you and me the lazy ass, but for the people who run, jump, fight, swim I mean to say the athletes. These drinks are designed to help athletes stay energized and appropriately hydrated from the right balance of readily available carbs (sugar) and replete minerals (sodium, potassium, and chloride). They'll add calories, and if you have a sensitive tummy, they may also make you a little nauseous. Stick with water.

  •          COCONUT WATER

"Nariyal paani" coconut water is considered the freshest and natural drink . Coconut water contains high levels of potassium. Don't drink coconut water if you have high levels of potassium in the blood. People who have some allergies should avoid drinking coconut water. Coconut is basically a tree nut. Hence certain people who consume coconut water might be prone to tree nut allergies as well as other forms of allergy. The understatement is coconut water should be kept away from people who are prone to allergies


causes due to consumption of protein shakes

Building muscle is art for decades people transform so that they really don't easily get recognized and most important muscle building isn't tough or impossible it's all upon the person he/ she should be dedicated and work on their body to get big biceps and to transform to a muscular  (but for this we need something extra like supplements/ protein shake),  wait !!! do we really need some protein or any supplements to get into good physic? Protein shakes that have soy in them, there are increased the chances of hormonal imbalance. Soy-based shakes contain phytoestrogen which mimics the estrogen in our body and can cause havoc in the endocrine system

Can lead to hair loss, excessive consumption of protein in the shaking form will help in good hair growth. This is absolutely false. 

Do share some more points if you have some to tell to the world express it in the comment box and yes please share this information.
